Monday, February 2, 2009

CH3 Winter Beer Mile

Get ready for the best mileage to beer check ratio you're likely to get this year, the Cumbridge H3 annual Winter Beer Mile. For the ill-informed hashers, a beer mile consists of chugging a beer, running a 1/4 mile lap and repeating 3 more times. If you happen to refund your beer (alcohol abuse!) during the event, you run an extra lap. Come out and hash for time or just for spectacle!

What: CH3 Winter Beer Mile
When: Sat, Feb 5th @ 230p HST
Pre-Lube: The Summer Shack (149 Alewife Brook Pkwy, Cumbridge, MA) --> a short walk from Alewife, trail will be marked
Where: The Danehy Park Track
Hash Cash: $5 (beer only, spectators included)
Why: Why the f*ck not? Come see idiots hash! Be an idiot that hashes!

Finally, I NEED A FEW TIMERS. If you plan to attend but remain stationary and drinking, shoot me an email!

Krusty the Meat Miser

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